For over 10 years, Weigand Studio has been creating holiday greeting cards for a company specializing in logistics and the transportation of art pieces. 🎨🚛
The recurring theme is "art and logistics," and the greatest challenge has always been to convey these concepts in a symbolic and poetic way.
Inspired by this, the studio has crafted charming conceptual illustrations, specially designed for the company.
The artworks are shared with their clients via email, WhatsApp, and posted on social media platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
The artworks are shared with their clients via email, WhatsApp, and posted on social media platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
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Don’t wait until the last minute!
👉 Save this post or get in touch to order exclusive conceptual cards for your company, perfect for any occasion throughout the year!
Don’t wait until the last minute!
👉 Save this post or get in touch to order exclusive conceptual cards for your company, perfect for any occasion throughout the year!